Terrasia Survey



The Coordinates and elevation of your location are need to get some required information for spatial database.

You can use basemap or topographic map or GPS data to give me about your location.
Feed your location in the next page: Survey Form


 My Location
I live in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I can be found at my base location:
9,223,156.0 meters Northing; 779,379.0 meters Easting.
Elevation: 753.0 meters.
Projection system: UTM (South of Equator); Spheroid: WGS84; Datum: Indo_G (Jakarta); Unit: meter; and Zone No: 48 (CM=105E; R=102E-108E).
To save the satellite image, click the right mouse button on the image, and
select Save Picture As ....

Bandung City

Main Page GeoInfos Location Survey Mail Me
  Last Revised: June 25, 2000